Using your own webpage on SOLV

To use your own web page as a landing page for a SOLV broadcast, follow these steps:

Matt Harty

Last Update 2 năm trước

1. Log into the SOLV platform

2. Click on "Create a New Broadcast"

3. Select the template you wish to use

4. Create your message as either a SOLV Message or a Custom Message

5. In the "Page" section, select the radio button for "Custom Page"

6. This will create a new input box called "Page Web Address." Enter the web address (URL) of the page you want visitors to be taken to when they click on your broadcast message.

7. Make sure the webpage is a valid and secure webpage.

8. Once "Custom Page" is selected, the "Page Web Address" input box becomes a required field.

9. Your broadcast will now be targeted to the webpage (URL) you have input.

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